Thursday, November 8, 2007

Interview with Photographer

Studio 103 is proud to announce that we will be bringing you an exciting interview with the award winning photographer Asley Gilbertson. Ashley Gilbertson is a freelance photographer for The New York Times, Newsweek, and Time Magazine. His work sheds a new light on social issues and conflict around the globe, and has taken him to places such as Afghanistan, Kosovo, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Iraq. He has recently written a book called Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: A Photographer's Chronicle of the Iraq War. On Wed. November 7, 2007 at Border's Bookstore in Boston, he shared some of his thoughts on his powerful photography in an interview conducted by two of our students Nicole and Eric. I have looked at their footage and this interview is amazing! Keep tuned in to this blog to find out when it is on Ch. 8 and our website! For now I will post a link so that you can learn more about Ashley Gilbertson!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The New England HS TV Production Conference!


Teens of the Internet age will query TV/Film industry experts on a wide range of topics on the influence and changing medium called television at the fifth annual student-run conference entitled, “Lights! Camera! Action!” The conference, run entirely by the student staff at Millis High School (town population, 8,500) has the makings of a timely debate about television’s influence on this “IM” generation. The conference will take place on Wednesday April 9, 2008 at Millis High School.
“Today’s 21st century teenager creates video podcasts, gets their shows on demand, comes to school eager to discuss their favorite YouTube videos, blogs about their favorite TV shows, and regularly uses television-based technologies with more confidence than adults,” explained Ms. Mannion, MHS TV production teacher. “This is a great time to create an unscripted discussion between student peers and television/Film industry insiders as these teens consume a steady diet of natural disaster, wartime coverage, and reality shows all brought into their lives through television.”
The students dictate the agenda. Past years featured a special ichat conversation in LA with Hollywood director Chris Koch whose credits include the major films Snow Day and A Guy Thing as well as many episodes of the popular show Scrubs. Other great forums have included journalistic ethics in a “reality” show society to covering the Red Sox during the World Series. This year expect a panel the role of the media in the presidential election, sessions on set design and editing, and more Award- winning television/film industry pros from the anchor desk of CN8, Comcast Sports Net, FOX, WGBH, WBZ 4 Boston, ESPN and Apple to field the unfettered questions of their high school audience of more than 200 students from across New England.
The conference is organized entirely by the students at Millis High School. The conference is free and each student who attends receives a swag bag filled with a t-shirt, notebook, pen, candy and a ticket for the chance to win industry related gifts (DVD players, ipods etc.) Students also enjoy a coffee and donuts in the morning and a pizza lunch.
This year we hope to continue to improve the conference by decorating the school with banners that include the sponsor names and DVDs playing student work.